Red Argentine Tegu


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If you’re looking for a new pet argentine tegu for sale, you have come to the right place! We have captive born and bred Argentine Red as well as Argentine Black and white tegu for sale at unbeatably low prices. This species is known for becoming quite tame in captivity, and attaining a size of nearly four feet. They are omnivorous, meaning they will eat plant and animal material

Before purchasing y0ur new Argentine Black & White Tegu or Argentine Red Tegu for sale, or any baby tegu for sale online, consider finding the right captive bred tegu breeder.  As Argentine Tegu Breeders, we are working with some of the top lines in tegu breeder history.  Our captive bred baby Argentine tegus for sale online all come with our full live arrival and 7day health guarantee.  With a biologist ON SITE, is your source for the highest quality baby Argentine tegu for sale online you will find anywhere!  Order up to 4 animals and pay one flat rate shipping fee of 39.95! All of our reptiles for sale online ship in heated/cooled containers year-round via UPS & Fedex, leaving our facility at 7 pm and arriving on your doorstep the following morning by 10:30 am!

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cb hatchling


cb big baby

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