Red Argentine Tegu $240.00$300.00
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Blue Tree Monitor $1,700.00$4,900.00

Giant Malagasy


Can Be Shipped Yes
Latin Name Furcifer oustaleti
Sex M
Age Adult

A young adult male, these guys are best known for their impressive size! Absolutely special.

We have some gorgeous Oustalet’s chameleons for sale at the internet’s absolute lowest prices. Their French name is pronounced “oo-stuh-lay’s.” These Madagascan giants can reach a total length of 27 inches. It’s also called the Malagasy Giant Chameleon, one of the largest in the world. Their diet has been known to include other lizards, frogs, and virtually anything that moves. They are also generally very gentle. When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.

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