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‘Exact’ Aldabra tortoise (J11)

You are purchasing this ACTUAL captive-bred, healthy, and active Aldabra tortoise stk#aldabratortoiseJ11. This Aldabra tortoise is too young to be

‘Exact’ Aldabra tortoise (J20)

You are purchasing this ACTUAL captive-bred, healthy, and active Aldabra tortoise stk#aldabratortoiseJ20. This Aldabra tortoise is too young to be

‘Exact’ Aldabra tortoise (J25)

‘Exact’ Aldabra tortoise (J25)- Aldabra giant tortoise, from the islands of the Aldabra Atoll in Seychelles, is one of the

‘Exact’ Aldabra tortoise (J95)

You are purchasing this ACTUAL captive-bred, healthy, and active Aldabra tortoise stk#aldabratortoiseJ95. This Aldabra tortoise is too young to be

0.1 Double het female hybrid

  • 100% het albino and 100% het anery
  • This girl was produced from a visual pure red anery bred to a visual Purple albino hybrid.
  • Salvator Merianae x Salvator Rufescens
  • 30-38 inches

0.1 Double het Hybrid tegu

  • 100% het albino and 100% het anery
  • This girl was produced from a visual pure red anery bred to a visual Purple albino hybrid.
  • Salvator Merianae x Salvator Rufescens
  • 26-32 inches.
  • Tail regen pictured.

2 Shades of Red super stripe white base gargoyle gecko

We have this exact beautiful probable male two tone Red super stripe white base with lavender eye Gargoyle Gecko for

2019 0.1 Pure Blue Albino

  • Salvator Merianae
  • Female
  • 28-34 inches
  • Call or Text 323 539 4495 if interested

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Etiam semper nibh orci, ac tincidunt mi consectetur a. In quis tortor ex. Morbi cursus sed neque quis dictum. Duis bibendum ullamcorper pharetra. Vivamus quis turpis et enim cursus neque quis.